Pink icing sugar
1 ½ cups (225g) icing sugar mixture
Queen Hot Pink Food Colour Gel
½ cup (125ml) warm water
2 tbsp (24g) gelatine powder
½ cup (125ml) water
1½ cups (330g) caster sugar
⅔ cup (230g) Queen Glucose Syrup
2 tsp Queen Unicorn Dream Flavour for Icing
Queen Purple Food Colour gel
Method - Pink icing sugar
Place icing sugar in a food processor. With food processor running, add Hot Pink Food Colour a drop at a time, being careful not to add too much. Process well between additions. Once desired colour is reached, pour onto a sheet of baking paper and break up using a fork. Allow to dry for 30 minutes. Sift icing sugar to get rid of any lumps. Set aside.
Method - Marshmallows
Grease a 16cm x 26cm slice tin and line with baking paper. Spray inside of baking paper with cooking spray.
Place warm water in the bowl of a stand mixture fitted with the whisk attachment and sprinkle over the gelatin, stirring to combine. Set aside.
In a medium saucepan, combine water, sugar and Glucose Syrup. Cook over a low heat until sugar has dissolved. Increase heat to high and cook until sugar reaches 112°C or soft ball stage.
With your mixer on high, add the hot syrup in a slow, steady stream into the gelatin mixture (not over the whisk). Add Unicorn Dream Flavour for Icing and beat for 5 minutes. Working quickly scoop out a third of the marshmallow mixture and add Purple Food Colour Gel mixing to combine.
Working quickly, pour white marshmallow mixture into prepared tin and spoon purple marshmallow on top. Fold purple through white and swirl using a spoon. Place a greased piece of baking paper (greased side down) over the top of the marshmallow to smooth out. Allow to cool on the bench for 2 hours until set.
With baking paper still on top, turn marshmallow out onto bench. Remove baking paper from bottom of marshmallow. Turn bottom of marshmallow onto dusted bench then remove baking paper from top of marshmallow.
Using a sharp knife coated with pink icing sugar mixture, slice marshmallow into squares. Lightly coat marshmallows in icing sugar mixture.
Recipe Tip
If you don’t have a candy thermometer, use a metal spoon to drop some of the sugar mixture into cold water – if it forms a soft pliable ball it’s at soft ball stage.
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