Hosting Easter lunch? Adorne the table with coloured Easter Eggs or serve them hard boiled for breakfast! Watch as we create bold and pastel patterns in every colour of the rainbow with our Food Colour Gels and Liquids.

Tools & Ingredients

Queen Food Colour Gel or Liquid (not Queen Rainbow Natural Food Colours)

Hard-boiled eggs

1 cup boiling water (per colour)

2 tsp white vinegar (per colour)

Rubber bands


Plastic containers or bowls


Paper towel

Wire rack



step 1 – boil eggs

Boil eggs and place in a bowl of cold water to cool. Allows eggs to cool down to room temperature. While the eggs are cooling, cover the bench with paper towel to soak up any drips of food colour.

Note: Pale coloured eggs will work best when trying to achieve vibrant coloured eggs.


STEP 2 – choose colours

Choose as many colours as you like! Mix Queen Food Colours to make up any colour of the rainbow. Use our Food Colour Mixing Chart for the ratio of our favourite colours.

Ensure you use Queen Food Colour Liquid (50ml bottle) or Queen Food Colour Gel (15g tube) not Queen Rainbow Natural Food Colour. Our natural colours are made from plant extract and will create a natural, less vivid colour.


step 3 – prepare patterns on eggs

Apply rubber bands and stickers to create patterns on eggs. Stickers will not stick to hot boiled eggs so ensure eggs have cooled to room temperature before applying stickers. Use foil stickers as paper stickers will soak up the coloured water and colour under the sticker. Foil stickers will protect the egg shell from any coloured water, leaving a distinct shape.


step 4 – colour eggs

Fill containers with 1 cup of boiling water each. Mix in 2 tsp white vinegar and 2 tsp of Food Colour. Submerge eggs in food colour using a metal spoon to avoid colouring hands. Don’t worry if you get some colour on your hands, Queen Food Colours are water soluable and will come off with a few washes in warm soapy water. To create pastel colours, leave the egg in coloured water for 1 minute. To create bold colours, leave the egg in coloured water for 5 minutes or more.

Create two-tone eggs by only dipping half the egg in coloured water. Place a rubber band on the egg and use it as guide when holding the egg in the coloured water.


step 5 – dry eggs

Pull eggs out of coloured water using metal spoon or slotted spoon. Place on a drying rack set over paper towel and allow to dry completely. One dry, remove stickers and rubber bands to reveal patterns!

Eat them straight away with toast for breakfast or refrigerate them for later. Enjoy!



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